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Amateur Travelogues
Let’s admit, we all make mistakes, but we have beaten them all with our blunders to the places that we have laid foot. Now a realization has struck that we must have an almanac to keep track what we have already done since a mistake repeated turns out to be a crime. This may help those who read our blogs to avoid the follies that we have committed, and we dare you to visit places with our itinerary and not get stuck at odd places for ages.
About Us
Travel has been a mutual goal for us since one fine April. Seeing places, meeting people, getting out of daily grind, nah! These reasons were far to inferior to the thrill of exploring places on foot that may surprise us with some breath taking vistas where metal road is a dream and we are still in our “Goblin-mode”.
We invite you to frequent this blog at your own peril if you have loads of time to waste drooling on our pictures and seeing footages of places you may only hope to see. But, if at all you do want to emulate our trips and avoid the mistakes we have made, you can carry on scrolling.
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